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Confirming Covid-19 Preventive Internal-Bio-Medicine-Ginger Prepare for ‘The Next Pandemic’ Improving Medical-Microbiology-Infectious-Diseases-Diagnostic-Methods Malnutrition Science-Technology-Wildlife-Conservation-Issues
Subhas Chandra Datta*

Department of Zoology, VisvaBharati, Santiniketan-731235, and Headmaster & Secretary & Coordinator, Kanchannagar D.N. Das High School (HS), Kanchannagar, Burdwan-713102, Burdwan Municipality, Purba Bardhaman, West Bengal, India

Correspondence to Author: Subhas Chandra Datta*

1.1. Backgrounds: The different Omicron variant of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) weakens the ability of COVID-19 vaccines to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection OR future pandemic outbreak, arising many questions about the future emergence of a new variant what’s after Omicron, and the scientists say that it is just a matter of time.

1.2. Aims and Objectives: The main aims and objectives are to use “Internal Covi-19 preventive Bio-Medicines-Ginger for Confirming/preparing the Future/Next Pandemic Outbreak”.

1.3. Materials and Methods: The biomedicines- Ginger MT, are prepared from the rhizome of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc). And the treatments were done @ 10-20 drops of the high-diluted-biomedicine Ginger MT (HDBMGMT), mixing @ 50ml-100ml (a half to a full cup) of moderately hot sterile-distilled-or pure drinking water or tea or milk, orally administered @ 5-8 times/day at an interval of 1-2hrs, against naturally occurring coronavirus infections or re-infections, 45-60 days before symptom onset OR illness onset (as a vaccine) OR onset of symptoms where patients in hospital-associated COVID-19 disorders have been reported (treatments). The dose may be increased depending on the intensity of the disease in case of treatment advised by family doctors. Here 4-types of treatments; oral, nasal, and vaporized, were followed or applied with HDBMGMT –Soaked-N95-Mask for the ‘Clinical Test’.

1.4. Results: All the 4-types of treatments are potentially effective against coronavirus-2/-3 preventing-COVID-19, and other diseases.

1.5. Conclusions: The present paper effectively confirms/reviews and prepares to use the “Covid-19 Preventive Internal-Bio-Medicine-Ginger for ‘The Next Pandemic’ Improving Medical-Microbiology-Infectious-Diseases-Diagnostic-Methods Malnutrition Science-Technology-Wildlife-Conservation-Issues”. Now it is said, “Take Ginger MT-Biomedicine Save Life Save Future Save Nature Save World”. And Ginger will become the ‘Life-Sever-Potential-Biomedicine in the New Year 2023’.


Covid-19-Preventive-Internal-Bio-Medicine-Ginger; Prepare; ‘The Next Pandemic’; Improving-Medical-Microbiology-Infectious-Diseases-Diagnostic-Methods-Malnutrition-Science-Technology-Wildlife-Conservation-Issues

3. Introduction

In 2019, the first-pandemic start-outbreak from Wuhan, China, COVID-19, caused by SARS-CoV-2, has spread-worldwide in a very short time, the pandemic has badly affected our lives and nearly every corner of the world, causing more than 464 million coronavirus cases and over six million deaths globally, and recently the new-pandemic wave also starts from China again, and may cause a high transmission rate with pathogenicity of mutant-coronavirus that have made COVID-19 a serious public health concern globally, and the Omicron (BA.2 subvariant) spreads 30% of new cases in New York City, and confusion and Chaos in Hong Kong as leaders fumble virus response due to outbreak that has surpassed one million infections, leading Beijing to step up its intervention in the semiautonomous territory, and IIT Kanpur study of coronavirus, assumed that India will face a fourth wave of the pandemic that may start around June 22 and peak from mid to late August this year (The New York Times, March 18, 2022, and India TV, March 14, 2022).

And the recent Omicron of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2) weakens the ability of COVID-19 vaccines to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection (Plate 1), OR increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 reinfection associated with the emergence of Omicron in South Africa, arising many questions about the future emergence of a new variant what’s after Omicron, and the scientists say that it is just a matter of time due to the 54 mutations in Omicron’s genome ( 34 clustered in spike protein) causing extremely weakens the ability of COVID-19 vaccines to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection, and the fourth vaccination (Plate 1) of healthy young health care workers for the benefits of immunogenicity and safety issues [1-3]. But it may or may not be successful with numerous problems! It has already been confirmed, “The Ginger-Biomedicines (Plate 2) OR Biomedicines-Meals act as Preventive-Natural-Gifts OR ‘Emergency-Oral-Vaccine’ against Omicron-Deltacron-Rupacron-Futuracron-Like-Any-New-Variant’ Advancing Clinical Toxicology Drug Discovery Agriculture Environment-Biodiversity-Wildlife-Conservation-Science-Technology-Communications-Innovations Socio-Economy-Issues” and “Dinna Nath Das-Middle English School and–Dispensary Act As a Model in The 21st-Century-Coronavirus-2 Resistance-Futuristic-Common-Ecofriendly-Complex-Green-Digital-School-Health-Ecosystem by Bio-Medicine-Vaccine-Nationalism-Equity-Passport” OR “Sustainable Reopening of School Preventing Reinfection-Coronavirus 2 in New-Normal by Vaccine-Nationalism-Equity-Passport with Ginger-Drinks-Bio-Medicinal-Mid-Day-Meals!” [4-16].

The main aims and objectives are to use “Internal Covi-19 preventive Bio-Medicines-Ginger for Confirming/preparing the Future/Next Pandemic Outbreak”. The present paper reviews some typical individual ‘Clinical-Case-Reports of COVID-19 patients treated with Biomedicines-Ginger (Plate 2), prepared from the rhizome of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc)’.

3. Materials and Methods

3.1. Preparation of High-Diluted Biomedicines Powder (HDGMTBMP) The high-diluted Ginger-MT-Biomedicine (HDGMTBM) was prepared from air-dried powdered (Plate 2) of the ginger rhizomes; Zingiber officinale Rosc., extracting with 90% ethanol, forming residue or high-diluted Ginger-MT Biomedicine-powder-(HDGMTBMP) [4-16].

3.2. Preparation of High-Diluted Biomedicines MT (HDGMTBM) The high-diluted Ginger MT-Biomedicine (HDGMTBM) was prepared from air-dried powdered rhizomes (Plate 1) of the ginger rhizomes; Zingiber officinale Rosc., extracting with 90% ethanol, forming residue which was diluted in 90% ethanol at 1mg/ml concentration [4-16].

3.3. Preparation of Ultra-High-Diluted Biomedicines-Liquid (UHDBML) The ultra-high-diluted Ginger-Biomedicines-Liquids (UHDGBML); Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C, were prepared from a few drops of a liquid potency of Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C [4-16].

3.4. Preparation of Ultra-High-Diluted Biomedicines-Globules (UHDBMG) The ultra-high-diluted Ginger-Biomedicines-Globules (UHDGBMG); Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C, were prepared by soaking the few drops of a liquid potency in the proportion of 7.2 mg globules/ml of Ginger 30C, Ginger 200C, and Ginger 1000C [4-16].

4. Clinical Samples:

The samples (Plate 2) were the different close related family members as samples of COVID-19 infected or reinfected of the Burdwan-713101, Burdwan Municipality, Purba Bardhaman District, West Bengal, India, with ethical consideration and permission [4-16].

5. Clinical Treatments-Doses

The treatments were done @ 10-20 drops of the high-diluted-biomedicine Ginger MT (HDBMGMT), is mixed @ 50ml-100ml (a half to a full cup) of moderately hot sterile-distilled-or pure-drinking-water or tea or milk, orally administered @ 5-8 times/day at an interval of 1- 2hrs, against naturally occurring coronavirus infections or re-infections, 45-60 days before symptom onset OR illness onset (as a vaccine) OR onset of symptoms where patients in hospital-associated COVID-19 infections have been reported (treatments), and the dose may be increased depending on the intensity of diseases in case of treatment advised by family doctors [4-16].

6. Clinical Treatments-Types

Four types of treatments; oral, nasal, and vaporized, were followed or applied with HDBMGMT –Soaked-N95-Mask for the ‘Clinical-Test’ as follows [4-16];

6.1. Oral Treatments; were done @ 10-20 drops-HDBMGMT/50ml-100ml (a half to a full cup) drinking-water@ 5-8 times/day at an interval of 1- 2hrs.

6.2. Nasal Treatments; were collected from ‘oral treatment solution’ and were done @ 1-2 drops-HDBMGMT/nostril@ 5-8 times/day at an interval of 1- 2hrs.

6.3. Vaporized Treatments; were done @ 10-20 drops-HDBMGMT/100ml-200ml (1-2 full cup) hot-pure-water@ 5-8 times-inhalation/day at an interval of 1- 2hrs.

6.4. Medicines-Soaked-N95-Mask; were prepared @ 10-20 drops-HDBMGMT/50ml-100ml pure-water soaked@5-10 mask.

7. Duration Clinical-Treatments

The duration of four types of clinical treatments (oral, nasal, and vaporized with HDBMGMT–Soaked-N95-Mask mandate) were 1st-December 2021 to 1st-March 2022, and up-to-date [4-16].

8. Clinical-Reports-Records

All the important incidence of the clinical sample families were collected by Dr. Subhas Chandra Datta from the Hon’ble treating doctors of; Dr. Dipanwita Malick, MBBS, and eminent Senior Consultant Physician, Dr. Ranjan Mukherjee, M.B.B.S., M.D., Ex-District Coordinator of Sishu Sathi Scheme at Department of Health and Family Welfare, Purba Bardhaman, Burdwan, West Bengal, India, and all the data were also try to clarify by Dr. Subhas Chandra Datta [4-16].

9. Science Technology Communication Applications (STCA)

The students, NGO-Burdwan Green Haunter and Students’ Goal with the different communities, scholars, researchers, artists, teachers, staff, community, photographers, different scientists, academicians, clinicians, administrators, institutions, farmers, and media personnel, visitors making the news and published in different medical journals [4-18].

10. Covid Protocols

The school students, NGOs, and different young volunteers organized many social-awareness virtual camps (VC) among the family-communities in different ways; using masks mandate (Plate 1), cleaning hands with soap, maintaining physical distance, and avoiding touching eyes-nose-mouth, etc. [17,18].

11. Results

11.1. Clinical Case Presentations Table 1 showed the presentation of clinical case reports from four types of high-diluted-biomedicines Ginger MT-clinical-treatments in the Burdwan Municipality against COVID-19 or reinfection after vaccination (Pla Plate 1: Vaccination images- and musk mandate- protocol in the clinical-and non-clinical sample area the Burdwan Municipality with four types of high-diluted-biomedicines Ginger MT- clinical-treatments

11.1.1. Clinical Case-I In the Five-Member-Family; Ages range from 22years to 79years, out of five members, only three members with ages ranging from 55 years to 79years of comorbid-patients were regularly followed ‘Oral Clinical Treatments’ with HDBMGMT as per schedule, showing no COVID-19. But 50 years old comorbidity-patient were irregular to take HDBMGMT-‘Oral Clinical Treatments’ as per schedule, suffering in ‘Long-COVID-19 with anosmia (for 5-days)’ up to 50 days, and the rest 22-year-old healthy young member also un-follow drug schedule suffering from COVID-19 with mild runny-nose irritation for five days (Table 1).

11.1.2. Clinical Case-II In the Five-Member-Family; Ages ranges from 18 years to 82 years, out of five members, two members aged 50 years comorbidity-patients and 18 years young healthy member was occasionally followed or irregular to take HDBMGMT- at least ‘Oral Clinical Treatments’ as per schedule, suffering in severe COVID-19 thrice, except the 82 years aged comorbidity-patient suffering in COVID-19 one times who were not followed drug schedule properly (Table 1).

11.1.3. Clinical Case-III In the Sixteen-Member-Big-Healthy-Family; Ages ranges from three years to seventy-eight years, all were suffering in COVID-19 with mild cold and cough, and were started to follow the four types of clinical treatments; oral, nasal, and vaporized as per HDBMGMT-drug schedule, and were used HDBMGMT–Soaked-N95-Mask, and all were totally cured of COVID-19 within five days (Table 1).

11.1.4. Clinical Case-IV In the 14-Member-Big-Healthy-Family; Ages ranges from 1year year to seventy-eight years, and the 78-aged mother were comorbidity-patient, were regularly followed ‘Oral-, Nasal-, vaporized- HDBMGMT-Clinical Treatments’ as per schedule, showing no COVID-19 (Table 1).

11.1.5. Clinical Case-V In the Four-Member-Family; Ages ranging from 23 years to eighty-two years with two comorbidity-patient, were regularly followed ‘Oral Clinical Treatments’ with HDBMGMT as per schedule, showing three COVID-19 negative, except the 54 years aged comorbidity-patient suffering in sever COVID-19 one times who were not followed drug schedule properly (Table 1).

11.2. Non-Clinical Case Presentations In the Burdwan Municipality, the ten healthy families with 50 members with 1 years to 99 years, did not follow the four types of treatments schedule with HDBMGMT ; oral, nasal, and vaporized with mask mandate, and they were considered as ‘Control Family’ for the ‘Non-Clinical Case Presentations’, where 10% were symptomatic COVID-19 with 2% mortality of the comorbidity-patients, and the 32% were suffering mild, and the rest 58% were asymptomatic with Long-COVID-19. And 98% were cured after taking antibiotics advised by specialist doctors (Table 1)

Y- Young, M- Middle and O- Old, No.- Number, CP- Comorbid Patients, IT- Infection Before Treatments , OT- Oral Treatments, NT- Nasal Treatments, VT- Vaporized Treatments and MSNM- Medicines-Soaked-N95-Mask, Plate 2: Rhizomes of common ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.) and black ginger (Kaempferia parviflora)

12. Discussion

In the current clinical study, all the clinical treated family (Plate 1) of all ages with four types of treatments scheduled with the ‘high-diluted-biomedicines-Ginger-MT’ (HDBMGMT) against COVID-19 showed us a ‘preventive–HDBMGMT’ or were the absolute recovery only in-home quarantine (Table 1) due to treatment with the preventive–HDBMGMT on family against COVID-19, because the HDBMGMT contains many different bioactive effective phytoconstituents or compounds that provided booster immunity or innate immunity preventing many diseases also like analgesic, diuretic, antifungal, vermifuge, antiulcer, laxative, antiviral, asthma, ulcers, diarrhea, swelling of the mouth or throat, and high cholesterol and hypertension, hepatoprotective and antioxidant activities [4-16,18]. And these were the main reasons that all the clinically treated treatment age groups, 1 year to 90 years showed absolute recovery only in-home isolation or home quarantines where they were active or passive infection or reinfection occurred after preventive—HDBMGMT (Table 1).

And it may develop the blueprint with the help of ‘Students-NGO-Model etc., for potential diagnostics, booster HDBMGMT-vaccines, and therapeutics against novel coronavirus-2 or omicron or any kinds of future ‘X’-disease [4-18]. For these reasons, the family, ages range from one year to seventy-eight years suffering from COVID-19 with mild cold and cough, and were started to use the four types of clinical treatments (Table 1); oral, nasal, and vaporized as per HDBMGMT-drug schedule with HDBMGMT–Soaked-N95-Mask mandate, all were totally cured of COVID-19 within five days only [4-16,18]. Whereas the ‘Control Family’ for the ‘Non-Clinical Case Presentations’(Table 1), where 10% were symptomatic COVID-19 with 2% mortality of the comorbidity-patients, and 32% were suffering mild, and the rest 58% were asymptomatic with Long-COVID-19. And 98% were cured after taking antibiotics (Table 1) advised by specialist clinical physicians and doctors [4-16,18].

And the potential old-traditional cost-effective side-effect-free environment-friendly easily prepare-able easily-manufacture-able equitable-marketable easily-available and supply-able, the best quality-nanoparticles-biomedical–HDBMGMT at extremely low doses, “From Vaccine-Nationalism-to-Vaccine-Equity— Finding a Path-Forward”, and it will resist COVID vaccine hesitancy against new variants, the ‘Omicron’ that has long been recognized as a problem in high- and middle-income nations of the world’s poorest countries, lack of access to vaccines [5-7,12,18,19]. And the high-diluted Ginger MT-biomedicines will be the ‘Universal Future Diseases Model’ like “Only wildlife conservation may be future omicron-like-preventive-epidemic-covid-19-model enriched forestry- horticulture-agriculture-environment-health-biodiversity science-technology-communication-application-issues” [19,20].

It was confirmed once again from the ‘Clinical Case Study’ with the 4- types of clinical treatments with high diluted Ginger MT-biomedicines, prepared from the rhizome (Plate 2) of traditional common ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), at extremely low doses, in the different COVID-19- treatments family of the Burdwan Municipality, Purba Bardhaman District, West Bengal, India (Table 1). So, it can be easily told, “Reviews The Clinical-Case-Reports of Biomedicines-Ginger-Preventive-Vaccines Against ‘Omicron to Any-Future-X-Disease’ Improving Bio-Medical-Health-Physiology-Research-Science-Technology-Communication-Environment-Wildlife-Biodiversity-Conservation-Socio-Economy-Issues”, and it should be highlighted for the novel and significant ideas for the ‘New Year 2023’ distributing equally and preventing shortfalls and global crisis, and oath ourselves “Vaccine equity: there is no time to waste” [21]. In the future, it may be used as high-diluted or ultra-high-diluted with ‘Black-Ginger-Biomedicines, prepared from the rhizome of Kaempferia parviflora,’ for the ‘Universal-Preventive-Emergency-Vaccine’ against any future X-diseases with all-round development [22], and this “Current Combined-Biomedicines OR Bio-Medicines Mid Day Meals Physiology/Ecology on ‘Global Pathogens and Emergency-Treatment’: Reports Wildlife-Biodiversity-Conservation” [23-26].

13. Conclusion

The high-diluted biomedicines-Ginger MT, prepared from the rhizome of ginger (Zingiber officinale Rosc.), are potentially effective against coronavirus-2/-3 preventing-COVID-19, and other diseases. The present paper effectively not only reviews some individual “Clinical-Case-Reports of Preventive-Biomedicines-Ginger-Vaccines Against ‘Omicron to Any-Future-X-Disease’ Improving Bio-Medical-Health-Physiology-Research-Science-Technology-Communication-Environment-Wildlife-Biodiversity-Conservation-Issues”, but also “Confirming Covid-19 Preventive Internal-Bio-Medicine-Ginger Prepare for ‘The Next Pandemic’ Improving Medical-Microbiology-Infectious-Diseases-Diagnostic-Methods Malnutrition Science-Technology-Wildlife-Conservation-Issues”. Now it is said, “Take Ginger-Biomedicine Save Life Save Future Save Nature Save World”. In the future, it may be used with ‘Black Ginger’ for future any X-diseases with all-around developments. And the Ginger will become the ‘Life-Sever-Emergency-Cost-effective-Biomedicine for All in the Coming Happy New Year 2023’.

14. Conflict of Interest

The authors declare no conflicts of interest here.

15 Acknowledgement

I am thankful to the eminent educationist Sri Tapaprakash Bhattacharya for inspiration and guidance. I express my deep gratitude to Mr. Rakesh Khan, M.A., B.Ed., (Gold Medalist), Secretary and Mr. Subhendu Bose, President with all Young Green-Members of the ―International NGO named Burdwan Green Haunter and Students‘ Goal‖ for arranging several awareness programmed on COVID-19 with ―Health Care, Biomedicines, Nutritious Food, Vaccination, Agriculture, Biodiversity Conservation and Enriching Science and Technology Communication Economy Application Issues‖. Last but not the least; I am thankful to the eminent Senior Consultant Physician, Dr. Ranjan Mukherjee, M.B.B.S., M.D., District Coordinator, and Dr. Dipanitwa Malik, M.B.B.S. of Sishu Sathi Scheme at Department of Health and Family Welfare, India for inspiration and guidance.


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Subhas Chandra Datta*. Confirming Covid-19 Preventive Internal-Bio-Medicine-Ginger Prepare for ‘The Next Pandemic’ Improving Medical-Microbiology-Infectious-Diseases-Diagnostic-Methods Malnutrition Science-Technology-Wildlife-Conservation-Issues Insights of Clinical and Medical Images 2022.