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Insights of Clinical and Medical Images

Data from the CHILT III Programme: Health Risks of Sarcopenic Obesity in Overweight Children and Adolescents (Cologne)
Marlen Klaudius

Department of Neurosurgery, OSF Saint Francis Medical Center, IL, 61637.

Correspondence to Author: Marlen Klaudius

Although sarcopenic obesity is becoming more common in young people, its effects on health are still unknown. Therefore, using information from the German Children's Health InterventionaL Trial (CHILT III) programme, we investigated the prevalence of sarcopenia and its relationships to cardiometabolic risk factors, muscular and cardiorespiratory fitness, and metabolic risk variables. Bioelectrical impedance analysis was used to evaluate muscle and fat mass in addition to anthropometric measurements and blood pressure. Muscle-to-fat ratio was used to categorise sarcopenia. The standing long jump was used to gauge muscular fitness, the bicycle ergometry was used to gauge cardiorespiratory fitness, and a fasting blood sample was obtained.


A growing health issue is childhood and adolescent obesity [1]. The frequency of overweight in children and adolescents globally increased between 1975 and 2016 from 0.7% to 5.6% for girls and 0.9% to 7.8% for boys [2]. According to the Child and Adolescent Health Survey (KiGGS, wave 2 2014-2017), 15.4% of children aged 3 to 17 in Germany were overweight or obese [1]. A further rise is anticipated as a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic [3].Even in this early age range, the greatly elevated risk of cardiometabolic, orthopaedic, and psychiatric comorbidities is troublesome [5,6]. These conditions may remain into adulthood and have the associated health effects [4]. Obese and overweight children and adolescents are more likely to have cardiovascular risk factors such high blood pressure, problems with lipid metabolism, and problems with glucose metabolism. Non-communicable disorders such type 2 diabetes [1,7,8], endothelial dysfunction, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and musculoskeletal dysfunction [1,6,9] could result from this. Depending on the underlying definition, 6% to 39% of overweight children have the whole picture of the metabolic syndrome (MetS) [10]. Visceral fat content, corresponding adipocytokine secretion.

The development of the aforementioned comorbidities is heavily influenced by both and the presence of low-threshold systemic inflammation [12]. Additionally, the so-called sarcopenic obesity is increasingly being defined in adulthood as an inverse connection between cardiometabolic risk factors and low or disproportionate (with regard to body fat) muscle mass [13,14,15]. Sarcopenia is traditionally linked to underweight because it causes muscle mass loss as well as decreased muscle strength and function.The definition of sarcopenia was expanded by the European Working Group on Sarcopenia in Older People (EWGSOP) to include both primary sarcopenia, which is characterised by diminished muscle mass, limited muscle function, and strength as people age, and secondary sarcopenia, which occurs in the setting of chronic diseases like obesity [16].

The comparatively low muscle mass of individuals with sarcopenic obesity may be concealed by a higher fat mass, even though they may be normal weight or "just" overweight [14,15,17]. Thus, the muscle-to-fat ratio (MFR) is employed to assess the degree of sarcopenic obesity in addition to handgrip strength measurements [17,18,19]. MFR correlates adversely with waist size, systolic blood pressure, and blood lipid levels in adults and is a marker for cardiometabolic risk factors and metabolic syndrome [19]. Furthermore, MFR also be employed to evaluate children's cardiometabolic health [20].

Both fine CT imaging of the skull base and brain MRI can aid in the diagnostic process [1, 3]. Meningitis risk is increased by persistent CSF leak, which is usually treated surgically.Although there are some early signs, few research have looked at sarcopenic obesity in infancy and adolescence or potential concurrent disorders [17,18]. There is an urgent need for adequate understanding and evidence-based remedies to prevent the harmful health effects of sarcopenic obesity. Therefore, utilising the Children's Health Interventional Trial (CHILT III) programme, an outpatient weight management programme for obese kids and their families, we looked into the relationships between the existence of cardiometabolic risk factors and the onset of sarcopenia/sarcopenic obesity.

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A model description:

After having her nasal swab tested, the patient started to experience clear nasal drainage 48 hours later. This was constant and frequently accompanied by stooping or an upright posture. She underwent outpatient testing of her rhinorrhea fluid, which revealed beta2-transferrin levels that indicated a CSF leak. She was unable to have a brain MRI since she had a cardiac pacemaker. Upon receiving a head CT, it was discovered that the left side of the posterior wall of the sphenoid sinus had a tiny bone defect (about 4-5 mm).

The patient was taken to the emergency room by her husband around eight weeks following this treatment because she was feverish, confused, suffering from a headache, neck discomfort, and exhaustion. Physical examination results revealed nothing obviously incorrect. Her laboratory tests revealed a WBC of 60,000 cells/uL, lactic acid of 2.2 mmol/L, and no changes in electrolytes, ammonia, or renal function. She was assessed using the sepsis protocol. After being admitted, she started receiving empiric antibiotics in the intensive care unit. Streptococcus pneumoniae was detected in her blood cultures. Culture of urine revealed no growth.

On positron emission tomography imaging of the chest, abdomen, or pelvis requested by the infectious disease consultant, she had no recognised cause of her bacteremia. She was put on bed rest, and it was seen that the CSF rhinorrhea persisted.

The patient had a lumbar puncture that was fluoroscopically guided, however it was unsuccessful because of the patient's tolerance and body habitus. After several days of bed rest and head elevation, her rhinorrhea and mental condition eventually recovered, and there was no CSF leak discovered. She was given long-term intravenous access so that she could receive antibiotics outside of the hospital to treat her sepsis. A six-week course of ceftriaxone and vancomycin therapy was planned by the infection disease expert who felt that the patient's septicemia was caused by a chronic CSF leak and related meningitis from seeding in the nasal cavity.

It is unknown if the sphenoid sinus bone defect was present before the patient underwent COVID nasal swab testing; this diagnostic procedure may be responsible for the patient's CSF rhinorrhea because the patient underwent no prior cranial imaging. She was discharged after two weeks of inpatient care with intensive clinical supervision.


Nasopharyngeal swab testing is now a commonly used technique for diagnosing and screening COVID-19. The healthcare provider must carefully place a swab parallel to the palate, proceed "until resistance is encountered," then slowly remove the swab while rotating it, according to the Centers for Disease Control's recommendations for clinical specimen collection in the nasopharynx [5]. 8 to 10 cm can separate the nostril's opening from the nasal cavity's back wall. The sphenoid sinus normally sits above the hard palate, therefore the force needed to strike the upper or posterior walls of the sinus would not go in a straight line with the palate.

Anterior nasal swab sampling, a different method suggested by the CDC, advises sampling no deeper than 3/4 to 1 inch into the nasal cavity [5]. Our account of a CSF leak following the collection of a nasopharyngeal specimen with a bone defect in the sphenoid sinus demonstrates a distinct potential risk of straying from the suggested anatomical collection site. It's likely that a pre-existing bone defect filled this area, and the insertion of the nasopharyngeal swab led to a dural perforation. Due to bacterial flora from the sinonasal mucosa contaminating the subarachnoid space, CSF leak is a well-established risk factor for meningitis [3]. If left untreated, meningitis will develop in about 10% of patients with a CSF leak within a year, causing considerable morbidity and a high case-fatality rate [4].

Consider using oropharyngeal or anterior nasal swabs as COVID screening tests in place of blood tests since both procedures are showing signs of increasing sensitivity. This may be especially important for individuals who have a history of traumatic skull or brain injury, whether from accidents or previous surgical treatments. Before doing a nasal swab test, healthcare professionals should ask about previous surgical or procedural history.


As long as the CDC's recommended procedures are followed, nasal swab testing for COVID is still a typical sample method. Patients having a history of brain trauma or surgery on the sinuses or skull base may benefit from alternative swab collection sites if being checked for COVID since nasal treatments carry a risk of CSF leak.


1. Pascarella G, Strumia A, Piliego C, Bruno F, Del Buono R,et al. COVID-19 diagnosis and management: a comprehensive review. J Intern Med. 2020; 288(2):192-206. [DOI: 10.1111/joim.13091].

2. Zitek T. The appropriate use of testing to COVID-19.West J Emerg Med. 2020; 2(3):470-472. [DOI: 10.5811/westjem.2020.4.47370].

3. Daudia A, Biswas D, Nick SJ. Risk of Meningitis with Cerebrospinal Fluid Rhinorrhea. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 2008;116:902-905. [DOI:10.1177/000348940711601206].

4. Yadav Y, Parihar V, Janakiram N, Pande S, Bajaj J, NamdevH. Endoscopic management of cerebrospinal fluid rhinorrhea. Asian J Neurosurg. 2016; 11(3):183-193. [DOI: 10.4103/1793-5482.145101].

5. CDC Coronavirus Testing Overview. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/lab/guidelines-clinical-specimens.html. (Accessed 27 October 2021).


Marlen Klaudius. Data from the CHILT III Programme: Health Risks of Sarcopenic Obesity in Overweight Children and Adolescents Cologne. Insights of Clinical and Medical Images 2022.