Volume 1 Issue 3 Articles

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Volume 1 Issue 3 Articles

Patients with coronary artery disease who have obstructive sleep apnea may benefit from adding CPAP intervention to their lipid-lowering medication, according to the RICCADSA trial.

Dyslipidaemia is a well-known risk factor for coronary artery disease (CAD), and managing these high-risk people requires lowering lipid levels as a secondary preventative measure. Additionally, patients with obstructive sleep apnea frequently have dyslipidaemia (OSA). The initial course of treatment for OSA is continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP). Evidence of CPAP's potential lipid-lowering benefits in CAD patients with OSA is, however, lacking...

The Serious Barriers to Physical Activity for Our Obese and Hypertensive Patients

Inactivity and a sedentary lifestyle impact more than half of the world's population. Despite the costs that obesity and diabetes place on our society, there is a low level of knowledge about cardiovascular disease as a result. For these people, it is crucial to practise primary cardiovascular disease prevention...

In the University of Medical Sciences Teaching Hospital in Ondo State, South-West Nigeria, chronic myeloid leukaemia and chronic lymphocytic leukaemia are characterised by certain demographic patterns.

The sorts and extent of ongoing leukemias that is introduced in wellbeing establishments vary from each other relying upon the segment design of patients. Objective: The target of this study is to decide the study of disease transmission example of Constant Myeloid Leukemia CML and Ongoing Lymphocytic Leukemia CLL...