Volume 2 Issue 2 Articles

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Volume 2 Issue 2 Articles

Do the Occluders deserve blame? Two cases of severe thrombosis in the left atrium in patients with bioprosthetic mitral valves and percutaneously implanted occluders

We discuss two clinical instances of patients in the case report that follow valvular intervention and percutaneous occluder implantation into the left atrium. A 68-year-old male who was admitted to the department of cardiology with a non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction is the first patient (NSTEMI). He had a history of severe secondary mitral regurgitation, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, and biological mitral prosthesis implantation...


Support for nutritional choices among cancer patients at risk for weight loss and medical personnel

Cancer patients frequently experience malnutrition because the disease and therapy cause severe weight loss in 15% to 80% of patients. Patients who lose weight are less likely to survive, be able to finish the recommended treatments, and have lower quality of life. Optimizing nutrition intake during cancer is challenging and necessitates prompt individualised nutritional therapy in order to maintain weight...