Volume 6 Issue 1 Articles

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Volume 6 Issue 1 Articles

26 Aug 2024

Rare Endoscopically Resected Sinonasal Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Masqueraded By Non-Specific Nasal Congestion. A Case Report And Review Of Literature

Adenoid cystic carcinoma is a head and neck cancer that most often involve the salivary glands however sinonasal adenoid cystic carcinoma is a possible rare entity...

12 Aug 2024

Resting-State Neural Network Disturbances Underlying The Subacute Stage Of Poststroke Aphasia

To explore the brain activity characteristics in normal parenchyma outside the stroke lesion in subacute stage of PSA by fMRI, to further explain the mechanism of language remodelling....

29 July 2024

Biodiversity and its Conservation

The diversity of life forms on Earth, or biodiversity, is vital for both human well-being and the stability of ecosystems. This review examines the importance of biodiversity at a variety of scales, including genetic diversity within species and global ecological diversity....